The Losers, keeping in The Cambrians' signature style, is a family-friendly performance of storytelling and contemporary dance. The Losers with Autumn and Jamy used the Nexus process to remix duets by nine talented choreographers and respected members of Chicago's dance community. Autumn and Jamy, in collaboration by The Cambrians' Creative Director, Benjamin Holliday Wardell, intricately weave their nine duets with numerous true-life personal stories to follow the arc of an absurdist fictional tale by author Aimee Bender titled Loser. Expect to laugh.

Autumn and Jamy's source material choreographers were:

Shannon Alvis, Bril Barrett, Peter Carpenter, Ron De Jesus, Ayako Kato, Alice Klock, Shirley Mordine, Onye Ozuzu, and Ahmad Simmons